




·               写真1枚(縦4センチ×横3センチ)

·               パスポート

·               在留カード

·               履歴書

·               本国の出生証明書

·               本国の婚姻証明書

·               家族全員の住民票(記載に省略のないもの)

·               申請者、或いは扶養者の職業を証する書面


·               申請者、及び扶養者の過去3年間の所得及び納税状況を証する書面

3年分の住民税の課税(非課税)証明書 及び 納税証明書 各1通(1年間の総所得と納税状況がわかるもの)

·               貯金通帳の写し


·               賃貸借契約書(住居を賃借している場合)

·               永住許可申請理由書

·               日本の叙勲・表彰を受けている方は、その書面の写し



·               身元保証書

·               住民票

·               身元保証人の職業を証する書面


·               身元保証人の所得及び納税状況を証する書面

※住民税の課税(非課税)証明書 及び 納税証明書 各1通(1年間の総所得と納税状況がわかるもの)










T Applicant

picture (4 centimeters of length x 3 centimeters of width)

* The passport

* Residence card

* Personal history

* Born certificate in a home country

* Marriage certificate in a home country

* Resident card of family all the members (something by which mentioning has no abbreviation)

* The document by which a proof does occupation of a claimant or a supporter

For children    school certificate

  Any history matter certificates an in office certificate, a certificate of income and withholding tax and a final return copy and by which they're a corporation and a copy of an authorization note of business.

* The document by which a proof does the income of 3 years and the tax payment situation in the past of a claimant and a supporter

Taxation (tax exemption) certificate of a resident tax for 3 years and a copy for each of certificate for paid tax (gross income for 1 year and the one which knows the tax payment situation)

* Copy of a savings passbook


* Lease contract (When dwelling is rented.)

* Permanent residence license application reason note

* Japanese decoration and the person who receives official commendation are a copy of the document.



U Guarantor

List of the forms you prepare to the surety

* Identity verification

* Resident card

* The document by which a proof does surety's occupation

Any history matter certificates an in office certificate, a certificate of income and withholding tax and a final return copy and by which they're a corporation and a copy of an authorization note of business.

* The income of the surety and the document by which a proof does tax payment circumstances

Taxation (tax exemption) certificate of a resident tax and a copy for each of certificate for paid tax (gross income for 1 year and the one which knows the tax payment situation)